Dec 4, 2022
Caleb Iehl

Advent: Joy

The Boy birthed to bring abundant breath

The Gift that grants grace to the globe

The Deliverer destined for a dutiful death  

The Healer sent to hang on the hill alone

The Lord extends us limitless love

The Creator confers a comforting Counselor

The salvific solution to stark separation

The Treasure to overturn the torment

To be joyful, you must be full

Rejoice in the One who’s made you whole

A Child born. A promise made and kept

A Gift extended to all. One we get to accept

The God of the harvest. He’s calling you blessed 

Find joy in the Child. Embrace His rest

Bask in the joy. Delight in the grace

Joy is no longer something we chase

Joy to the world. Down in my Heart

He’s given us both. Choose to take part

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